Monday, July 21, 2008

Candy can be good and bad

Watching Charlie and the Chocolate Factory the other day, I couldn't help but get hungry for candy. I normally do not crave candy, but this day that is just about all I wanted. I am not one for the Everlasting Gobstopper or the Gum that tastes like a four course meal. What I crave is chocolate, caramel and nuts (or peanutbutter).

Growing up I loved the Reeces Peanut Butter Cups as well as Snickers. I couldn't get enough. But, they were a treat in my house. I couldn't believe the other day when a friend of mine mentioned that they had these tasty treats in their house all of the time. Wow! I couldn't even imagine it. How could something be special when you eat it all of the time.

Then I went to the store and checked out the ingredients. artificial flavors, emulsifiers, hydrogenated oils, high fructose corn syrup....YUCK!

So, here is what I think. Eat these yummy treats, but purchase them from your local candy maker, and eat them as a special treat. It will mean a lot more and it will be better for your body.

Oompa local, eat natural, eat some good candy! Let's keep the purity of Willy Wonka alive!

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